MUELLER Beer Systems - based in The Netherlands – specialises in the design, production, installation and maintenance of tank beer systems. We are active globally and over the years we have supplied and installed more than 20,000 beer tanks at cafés, restaurants, breweries and special events on every continent. The beer tanks, ranging from 125, 250, 500, 1,000 litres or more, are available in various models and designs; single-walled or double-walled; stainless steel or copper; mobile or static. MUELLER Beer Systems also supplies different beer delivery vehicles (transporting fresh beer from the brewery to the tank beer system).
Tank beer is an experience
In terms of their design, production and installation, the tank beer systems from MUELLER Beer Systems can be entirely "custom-made". For instance: stainless steel beer tanks, copper beer tanks or artificially aged beer tanks. View here the options or some recent projects. With tank beer systems from MUELLER Beer Systems you can have draught beer fresh from the brewery: “A BETTER WAY TO SERVE BEER”.
MUELLER Beer Systems - based in The Netherlands – specialises in the design, production, installation and maintenance of tank beer systems. We are active globally and over the years we have supplied and installed more than 20,000 beer tanks at cafés, restaurants, breweries and special events on every continent. The beer tanks, ranging from 125, 250, 500, 1,000 litres or more, are available in various models and designs; single-walled or double-walled; stainless steel or copper; mobile or static. MUELLER Beer Systems also supplies different beer delivery vehicles (transporting fresh beer from the brewery to the tank beer system).
Tank beer is an experience
In terms of their design, production and installation, the tank beer systems from MUELLER Beer Systems can be entirely "custom-made". For instance: stainless steel beer tanks, copper beer tanks or artificially aged beer tanks. View here the options or some recent projects. With tank beer systems from MUELLER Beer Systems you can have draught beer fresh from the brewery: “A BETTER WAY TO SERVE BEER”.
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